
Guess what yall, I'm not saying I'm back but I'm like writing? Not Undertale, of course. Sadly, I fell out from the fandom. 
          	But I'm like Hella into BTS? So expect something lol 


But I'm going to post something Undertale for the last time before moving on 


I want to ask you all something:
          Would you like me to do a one-shot by request thinngy? (Can be anything I'm into but Undertale preferably)
          I'm still going to continue writing my other stories, I just need inspiration without reading someone else's work (sorry to my fellow authors there). I tend to lose my writing style while reading someone else.


I da cego wans to bee ur fwerind 
          Hello dont mind that im cego its great to meet you


@cego145 me wantsu b Ur Fweind 2  hahahaha.  Awwww yey! Nice to meet you too.  