
Sorry the next chapter of "Worn Touch" hasn't been released yet. I got sick and everything just went downhill from there. It'll come eventually, sorry for the wait.


Hope you feel better!! Take your time, can’t wait to read it :))


@FeralCrypt hi! I just want to say thank you for posting again. I've read the recent release like 5 times lol. I feel silly liking fan fiction and stuff but yours is so good even if I feel a little embarrassed with myself for reading it! And I hope things are going good in your personal life. It'll be really cool to see you active again, but if you won't be then I hope you know people will still support your work! Anyways thank you! <3


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@RoseVaIentine Thank you so much for the well-wishes, and I'm happy to hear that you enjoy my writing to that extent. And there's no need to feel embarrassed about it. Even if some people frown upon reading and writing fanfic, there's too much shit in the world to worry about small stuff like that. I say if something brings you joy and it's not hurting you or anyone else, you shouldn't feel any shame. Of course, easier said than done, but always know that there is a big community of people just like you! Anyways, thanks again for your support! I'm not sure how active I'll be moving forward, but I'll always keep you guys on my mind and do my best to write when I feel inspired!


Hey feral missed u loads!!! Quick check up that you're alive and doing well XD how've you been!?, also hoping for new updates bcs we miss themmksksms. If not that's completely fine don't stress out, we'll be waitingg until you're motivated and well enough to update! All loveeee


@olderleonsbbg I'm doing great rn and I AM ALIVE, thanks for checking up. <3 I've been focusing on more personal matters atm so I haven't been writing much. I'm not sure when I'll put out a new chapter or story, I'm sorry to keep you all waiting.  Thanks again, I hope you're doing well too!! :)


Hey Feral merry Christmas or if you don't celebrate happy holidays. Hope your doing well, I know you don't really write anymore but if your still on wattpad at all then I hope you see this! I really miss your writings but I hope that your doing the things you love and enjoy! 


@RoseVaIentine Merry Christmas! :) I'm hoping to write more in the future, so I wouldn't write any continued chapters out of the equation. It might be a while though, as it already has been. But anyway, I hope you have a wonderful holiday and thank you for enjoying my work.❄️