
I'm currently writing the second chapter of Baby Grumps for all my followers that have read it, and I also updated some stuff in the first chapter and in the Authors note.


Alright, so I updated the first chapter of Love Never Dies, because I'll be including it in my last project of the year in my Creative Writing class. (As a token because I'm a Senior and I'll be graduating in like a month.) So go read it xD lol.


If you want to go to Full Sail then I'd suggest you to chase your dreams. As for your hero lol thanks. If you ever have any questions or want to chat feel free to ask I can teach you a lot about writing with just a few words. And thanks for liking my story. I'll keep in touch.


Hey guys. Hopefully some of you read this. About a week or so ago, I was failing Spanish, so my dad took my laptop away. I won't be able to update till I get it back, sadly I won't know when that will be. I've written 4 and a half more chapters, and a good percentage of the people who read my far fiction will hate me. But he will come back I promise. That is all XoXo - Lily