
@Jinxx-ed I did once consider writing a kidlock fanfic but never got round to it. It's possible as a one shot or part if my A-Z of songfics but not as a full fanfiction, sorry. I just don't even have the time to write my original story at the moment, never mind any of the Fanfics I'm planning and its only going to her worse when I go back to school. Sorry, but I will try to write it as one shot sometime


Hi! I just finished reading your story, Sherlock: The Next Generation, and can I just say that OH MY GLOB IT IS SO AMAZING!!❤ like I instantly added it to my favorites list after reading it, I hope I get to read like a sequel to this❤ I just hope that Max will be okay I literally cried when he said to Martin he has CF


@Jinxx-ed I did once consider writing a kidlock fanfic but never got round to it. It's possible as a one shot or part if my A-Z of songfics but not as a full fanfiction, sorry. I just don't even have the time to write my original story at the moment, never mind any of the Fanfics I'm planning and its only going to her worse when I go back to school. Sorry, but I will try to write it as one shot sometime


To everyone who reads Next Generation: I'm really sorry for taking so long to write the next chapter! Basically I'm feeling pretty sick still but I will try and get it done ASAP, hopefully will have the book finished before the 1st of July!


Hey guys. I know these messages are probably annoying but I just have to do one.
          I just realised that Sherlock: Next Generation has got over 20000 reads and over 500 votes, and nearly 100 comments. At 50 chapters I think that that is crazy. Thank you all for reading! Love all of you guys. This makes me feels so good inside knowing people are reading an enjoying :) Thank you


Chapter 47 of Next Gen finally published! I apologise for the delay, all ;) Hope you enjoy it!
          I was wondering if anyone who reads it could message me or comment on the new chapter who they think the Watson-Holmes kids will end up getting together wish/who they ship? I'm just curious to know :P
          Thank you all who read! Love you -FS


Hello! :D i just wanted to say, I have fallen in love with your stories! :D they are AMAZING! I had recently written a fanfic...actually my first ever fanfic...and about John and Sherlock...and i was wondering if you maybe wanted to read it. If you dont, i totally understand, but it would be out of this world if you did since i look up to you as a role model and as a fantastic writer. Thank you so much for sharing your fantastic and amazing stories and ideas with the world! :D thanks! From, EB (hootheads1)


Sorry for not replying to this right away! I kinda couldn't work out where it was because I first read it as an email... Anyway, thank you so much. That means so much to me. Like really. And I've started reading your fanfiction ;) I'll probably comment on it when I have time and it's got a rather good story so far (I've only read one chapter). And wow. I never expected anyone to look up to me as a role model writingwise. Wow. That means so much. Thank you. And it is a pleasure sharing my stories :D