Hey everyone, I've got a new story out called all for the throne- I can't promise that it will be continued from where it is now- but if yalls like it then I might continue it.
Hey everyone, I've got a new story out called all for the throne- I can't promise that it will be continued from where it is now- but if yalls like it then I might continue it.
Only 15 minutes ago, when I was walking home from the bus stop, I heard a plane noise above me. In all my blank mindedness- my instincts decided that they would conduct me to step aside, to avoid the risk of an incoming bird shit.
Everyone, I am unreasonably proud to announce that I mistook a giant noisy plane for a shitty bird.
Hey people... No specifics here because I forgot how to use Wattpad because I've been away for do long and can't find my followers page. On that note I'd like to apologise to all those who have been entering characters in my roleplays and I forgot to note when I took to year or two break that they will be on hold- completely on me. I'm terribly sorry for the inconvenience.
Aside from that I have some good news! I'm back! I probably won't continue my roleplays just yet until I'm used to Wattpad again, but I can't wait to finally get get them started. It'll be a nice breath of fresh air to get my pipe dreams of story up and out there. Thanks everyone who understands and if you you don't understand then don't worry because I understand why you don't understand so thank you for understanding or not under standing.
Hi everyone, I have recently created a new roleplay, feel free to join, its based on foxes and wolves living in packs. If that's not your style then that's cool, just wanted to let you know.
@REDRAT88 Look, it's not my place to do so and Secret is busy enough without me nagging her about letting you in. I'm already having to nag her about accepting a form for new characters, so please just stop. I'm really sorry, but maybe you can look at this as an opportunity to go read the books first, or do another simpler roleplay.
@Fernwhisker_ I'm not trying to force u, and forgive me if I am, but can u talk to secret about letting me return. And could u tell her I'm sorry. And that I promise to follow the rules if she let's me return.
@REDRAT88 No it's active for everyone on it, don't know what you mean active for you returning. Look, you broke a lot of rules, I don't think you'll be able to come back.