
I am so glad to be back at publishing Flames! 
          	I am so sorry it took me so long! Thank you everyone for your amazing and sometimes scary comments and I hope you enjoy the new chapters and the next few to come! I will also start editing previous chapters soon to fix typos, and by much demanded request, the fact the story says 1A instead of 2A!


AHH YES chop chop fanfic girl (all seriousness I love it sm it’s so accurate and not as cringe)


@Starrypia that means so much! Thank you!


@FiccyTara, I'm so glad you're back! I'm not even into MHA anymore, but your story means a lot to me! It's awesome to feel the same excited feeling again when I saw the chapter update!


I am so glad to be back at publishing Flames! 
          I am so sorry it took me so long! Thank you everyone for your amazing and sometimes scary comments and I hope you enjoy the new chapters and the next few to come! I will also start editing previous chapters soon to fix typos, and by much demanded request, the fact the story says 1A instead of 2A!


AHH YES chop chop fanfic girl (all seriousness I love it sm it’s so accurate and not as cringe)


@Starrypia that means so much! Thank you!


@FiccyTara, I'm so glad you're back! I'm not even into MHA anymore, but your story means a lot to me! It's awesome to feel the same excited feeling again when I saw the chapter update!


hii I just wanted to say i love your book so much!! it’s honestly the best one I’ve read in a while ^^


@themaskedshipper That means so so much to me!
            Thank you 
            I appreciate the support. Of you ever want to check out more of my stuff. My original story account is @WattieTara
            Stay awesome and it really means so much to me! 


My boyfriend just read a whole bunch of your comments and he's having a ball x
          Thankyou for all your support so far. The next chapter will be out by the end of the day (My Australian time). Keep an eye out because this one's a doozy. 


@FiccyTara are you gonna update Flames?


@JazmineToadsAdventur I just saw this! And thank you! Thank you for being there since the beginning! The story is nearing a close so I hope you'll stick round! ♥️❤️


@FiccyTara the new chapter is lit


          I found the most wholesome Kirishima X Reader Fic by my close friend @little_demon_boii and it is titled 'My World's Falling Apart'. It's in my top Reading List, so please please go check it out, if you are looking for a good read. Her writing is descriptive and beautiful and I know it can be hard to find a Fic that is wholesome and we'll written at once. This is one of them! 
          Plus... Kirishima 
          Much love All. Will get a new chapter out to you all soon. Drop a comment to let me know if you check her book out and what you think!


          I received messages and posts asking if I live and am alright, and thank you so much! I really appreciate the support and care of my followers and I am so sorry I vanished. i won't write the cliche excuse post, but I will say I am sorry and thank you for your support. Know, that I have started the next chapter of Flames and will have it to you all in at least the next seven days! That's a promise! 
          To the followers and readers, hiya, I'm Tara and I will be trying to go through comments and thanking you all individually for the follow! Thank you all and I hope you enjoy my story!


@yikes838383 Thank you ahhhh. The love is appreciated and means so much xx 


@FiccyTara it's so good to know your well! Since we are all going through rough times through recent events I was  getting a bit more worried but NOT ONLY ARE YOU OK YOU BACK AHHHHH. Sending lots of love, alwaysss 