
I decided to create this account for the purpose of writing Fanfiction. The fictionus world is life to me and the fact that I can bend the characters into a story of my own is even more enjoyable. So my idea is that you all could request a fanfiction from me and say a tiny bit about how you want it. (Ex. Could you please write a story about *enter ship here* during Halloween?) These short stories that you request don't even have to be of a ship if that's not the type of topping you like on your icecre- *Awkward Laughing*. Just remember, if its set in your mind, it can and will happen! If you would like to request a fanfiction just message me with as many details as you wish to include and Ill get right on to it!


I decided to create this account for the purpose of writing Fanfiction. The fictionus world is life to me and the fact that I can bend the characters into a story of my own is even more enjoyable. So my idea is that you all could request a fanfiction from me and say a tiny bit about how you want it. (Ex. Could you please write a story about *enter ship here* during Halloween?) These short stories that you request don't even have to be of a ship if that's not the type of topping you like on your icecre- *Awkward Laughing*. Just remember, if its set in your mind, it can and will happen! If you would like to request a fanfiction just message me with as many details as you wish to include and Ill get right on to it!