(Posting for the THIRD time because I'm incapable of proofreading, apparently some things never change)
So I'm still around, and I have an explanation on why I vanished. in 2017/18 I fell out of the habit of writing.
I wasn't satisfied with how writing style had evolved, and in trying to become like the more popular authors I lost the thing that made my writing uniquely mine. This led to me feeling deeply unhappy with my writing, I felt like I wasn't writing for me anymore. I never posted any of the stuff I wrote, because frankly? I hated it, it wasn't mine and it felt like a stranger had written it.
I finally feel like I've gotten back to myself, and I've definitely learned some things. (namely pintrest writing advice may not be your friend)
Onto some more exciting stuff!
United we fall is being rewritten, the plot is being revamped and the structure of the story has changed.
There will be some Doctor Who fanfiction incoming, as well as some more (canon compliant-ish) Marvel stuff.
There will also be a new original story coming out.
However this may not be for a little while longer, I'm busy with work and school so I want a fairly large buffer of content before I start posting because I would love to follow schedule.
I'll try to keep you guys updated on how everything is going in the future as well as posting the update schedule once I have it figured out.
Thank you for sticking with me through all of this, you guys rock!