
It makes me warm and fuzzy inside to still see people so happy reading Undergrell. I'm honestly surprised it became my most read, but I'm very fond of all the excited comments it receives. I'm glad there are still many out there to enjoy them! ^.^


It makes me warm and fuzzy inside to still see people so happy reading Undergrell. I'm honestly surprised it became my most read, but I'm very fond of all the excited comments it receives. I'm glad there are still many out there to enjoy them! ^.^


Is your undergrell story a bxb(like an*l s*x) one or mxf since grell uses she/her pronouns while she is biologically male (did I type that correctly? )


@kyuubilyn0908 I see, I usually am not that oblivious to this so I got confused with grell ' s gender in the fic thanks! Love it btw


Or if I forgot then it usually gives itself away relatively quickly


Posted a new chapter in Undergrell! To be honest I think this might be the last chapter I add to the book. I've lost the passion I used to have for it, and i haven't watched anything pertaining to it in so long. Might move on to other things now! Maybe try some more horror stories! 


I'm still super sorry I haven't updated anything. I honestly have been struggling so much with finding the motivation to write anything. I will try to now that some stuff has calmed a little, but I can't promise anything. I'll be sure to post when I update something! Thank you for being so patient ;-; 


Hello . I'm so sorry. I said I would try to update soon, but my private life decided to get really hectic. I will try to update when I'm able to do so, but it will be delayed. I may be able to occasionally pop out something random but customs or requests will have to wait a short while. Again, I'm so sorry. I will try to post something soon. 


So sorry for that title mistake on the new chapter in Undergrell, but yes, a new chapter has been updated to Undergrell! (Obvious) smut warning! (I kind of just beat myself up but died laughing that I posted it without titling it, thank you so much to the first one to vote, making me realize my mistake!)