Good day/evening/morning! Just posted two new poems, feel free to check them out! One is more of an "art piece" inspired by Emily Dickinsons punctuation, and another to - you guessed it!- process more feelings!
Finally posted a new poem, 'hello'! This one is about my feelings on change, as I am currently graduating and that's...interesting. Anyway, please check it out and give me your thoughts!
Hi, just posted a new poem on Stardust [Poetry Collection], I'd love to get feedback on it!
I tried a new style and the poem while still meant to express gratitude is also more for processing my own (new?) feelings about this person. I'd love to see what you guys think!
I just posted a new chapter on Skadylaris Book 1: Mir's Blessing , please take a look! I've also finally rewritten the summary and changed the title, in preparation of writing a series.