
I have entered Niah and the Phoenix into the Watty's!! Who else is entering a book of theirs??


@sulkytae Good luck to you, too!


I’m entering Her Purpose! :) 
          	  Good luck! 


I am sorry
          I have seen that many people are upset about my extra point system I put in the RGB Awards.
          I wanted to try something different; where even if someone didn't have the best book, they could still get support so they don't quit. I guess I felt I also needed motivation.
          I haven't really been updating chapters on my books lately, because I feel like I'm wasting my time. I don't get many likes, I get no followers, few reads, and no one likes my books. I felt that if I can get people to read my story AND get their story read, it would be a win win.
          But I guess not everyone felt that way, and I completely understand why.
          I promise that in future awards, this will not be the case. I guess, for some reason, somebody may have reported my awards story, and WattPad deleted it. 
          I didn't even know that was possible.
          Why is that even possible?!
          Anyways, I am so sorry to everyone. The next awards will be better, I promise.


@AprilJester Thank you. Although, I do not see how it could be bribing a judge, it's just extra credit (which I have seen on other awards before, and nobody ever mentioned anything). I feel like bribing a judge would be reaching out to them personally trying to get themselves extra credit, not by a thing which everybody has a chance to do anyways. Thanks for the recommendations!


@FieryPhoenix12 i understand that it can be frustrating.... when you put on sooo much work and effort into writing ur book and if it diesnt get the recognition you desire... its the same for all new authors... however write bcoz u love to nd not bcoz u want reads... the ryt ppl will find ur book.... 


@FieryPhoenix12 -- Your reasoning is sound, Fiery. However, sadly, it is the Wattpad version of bribing a judge. That is why you don't see that on other awards. It caused a bit of an uproar and you probably would have had to pull it anyway. My recommendation to you is enter your own stories in contests to get them out there and read. Also, take the feedback from those awards and put it to good use, editing your stories as needed. 


I changed the cover for Niah and the Phoenix. What do you think?? :D


@FieryPhoenix12 cool! Love the design ❤️