
this message may be offensive
I am sorry but if your bio is real then why are you wasting your time copying @luhluh_ and other people's imagines. If you can't write then don't because other people spent a lot and I mean a lot of time on those imagines and books for you just to steal them. If you go on tour with great singers then go on tour with them and stop stealing people's shit because if you wrote something and took time on it would you appreciate someone just to come and steal it. I am sorry if this offends you but get a life and stop stealing people's shit word for word.  Also please read what @-5hlover- and @slayincabello said.
          -me bitch 


okay seriously you're coping other people's stories. these girls/boys work hard on their books, but people like you decide to copy. it's so fuçking rude and disrespectful that you work copy multiple stories like do you not have any of your own ideas? you seriously need to chill out and stop taking other people's ideas