
I'm back.
          	Crying out loud, I've grown so much, and nothing's changed. Two years, cheers to all you mfs who're still following me.
          	Update: I'm sixteen, still figuring me out, and I'm gonna start taking "All in my head" a lot more seriously. Discombobulated thoughts are the best I've got. 
          	Expect more updates. I'll be pouring a bunch more time into this. Not that I have better things to do, but just because it's healthier than the alternative. 
          	I'll take writing suggestions too if anyone wants me to do them.
          	That's all. I'm back. Alive. Not dead.
          	Thank you. 


Bahaha Platy nice to meet ya again dude. I updated a few poems last night, ntm, but Ayyy MAKE TIME YOU TALENTBALL 
          	  Calling out @empatheticc as well
          	  OG Wattpadders dude


@Figurine aww yeah. Shucks if I had the time I'd drop by wattpad occasionally too.


I'm back.
          Crying out loud, I've grown so much, and nothing's changed. Two years, cheers to all you mfs who're still following me.
          Update: I'm sixteen, still figuring me out, and I'm gonna start taking "All in my head" a lot more seriously. Discombobulated thoughts are the best I've got. 
          Expect more updates. I'll be pouring a bunch more time into this. Not that I have better things to do, but just because it's healthier than the alternative. 
          I'll take writing suggestions too if anyone wants me to do them.
          That's all. I'm back. Alive. Not dead.
          Thank you. 


Bahaha Platy nice to meet ya again dude. I updated a few poems last night, ntm, but Ayyy MAKE TIME YOU TALENTBALL 
            Calling out @empatheticc as well
            OG Wattpadders dude


@Figurine aww yeah. Shucks if I had the time I'd drop by wattpad occasionally too.


          I'm currently working on a new and very peculiar story called "All in my head". It's written in first person and it's all about imagination and it's effects on people. The first chapter will be up within the week! I would love it if you guys went and checked it out sometime. 
          Intricately yours,


          And as a result I am working on my first piece for my new collection Simple. 
          It's 2000 words as of now, and I'm only half done ><.
          Anyhoo, stick around! I will be posting soon.
          Amber S.


Dear all,
          I am proud to announce that {Felicity,} is officially COMPLETED. 
          I've worked rather hard on compiling it, and I reckon that I am proud of it. 
          I'm incredibly happy for the votes and comments and FOLLOWERS <3 I absolutely love each and every single one of you and a big hooyah to you all. :)
          So yes, the project is complete, and I'd love it so much if you guys would check it out!
          Thank you, thank you, thank you.
          Amber S.


Dear all,
          Felicity is almost over!
          There are only two chapters left, and I am grateful for the support so far.
          Hopefully you guys will stick with me for a little bit more!
          Thanks for your patience.
          Amber S.


Dear all,
          Omg this really made my day :)
          I want to thank each and everyone of you so much for al the support and kindness, I appreciate it so much and I'm glad for making it so far. 
          You're all amazing fudgeballs to me. <3
          (I'll be finishing Felicity, just give a a few more days and It'd be complete!)
          All the best!
          Amber S.


Dear all,
          It's currently 3:30 AM on my end, and since I couldn't sleep, I decided to write. 
          How do you guys think of "Felicity," so far? I'd absolutely love some feedback, and I'm so grateful for all the lovely comments you guys have left.
          The votes and everything made my day, thank you very much.
          It's been amazing to feel so invigorated. I can not thank you all enough for motivating me so much. I'm so grateful for every single one of you.  
          The things you guys say makes me smile a lot, and it makes me very, very happy. 
          I promise I'll be uploading the rest soon, gradually. 
          Stay curious!
          Amber S.


Dear all.
          What do you think of my Wattpad renovation?
          I uploaded the first two parts of "Felicity," as a trial run. I have already finished the entire book.
          Feel free to give me some feedback, it's much appreciated! 
          Thank you, and I wish you all the best. 
          Amber S.


Dear all,
          I'm going to deeply renovate TS.
          However, I do have one new book up my sleeve.
          And all I have to finish is a soundtrack, an author's note and the very last chapter.
          I'm also going to change my name soon.
          And rewrite my bio.
          Thanks for sticking with me. The encouragement, faith and support has kept me going.
          Love always,
          Amber S.