
Sooo uh about the Technoblade ‘thing’ 
          	I cried when I found out about (ironically it was this morning) 
          	But luckily shoulder is the easiest to treat and he’s young so he’ll make a recovery 


Hiya guys, my apologies for not updating in a while, I’ve been struggling with my mental and physical health recently and everything hasn’t been going as well. So I’ve kinda been shutting a lot of people out cause my trust issues and anxiety have begun to get the better of me cause I feel scared of either loosing them or getting hurt by them and I feel that they don’t particularly like me but tolerate me. But that’s not the point I’m just venting now, the point is that I might update later I don’t know.


              Honestly, I'm in the same situation as you. I feel like everything is crashing down on me, and it's my fault. A friend of mine is angry with me, and a girl in school is spreading rumors about me. I think we both just need someone to talk to. I'm sorry I snapped at you a week ago, and I'm here if you wanna talk.
              With everlasting love,


Hey guys just letting you all know that I WILL BE CONTINUING "Surviving Together" the Clouis Fanfic, I had some complications from my phone and prevented me from writing the story and I accidentally deleted it, but do not worry I do have the drafts save onto my computer so keep a look out for that! Bye-bye now! -Samantha