Sooo uh about the Technoblade ‘thing’
I cried when I found out about (ironically it was this morning)
But luckily shoulder is the easiest to treat and he’s young so he’ll make a recovery
Sooo uh about the Technoblade ‘thing’
I cried when I found out about (ironically it was this morning)
But luckily shoulder is the easiest to treat and he’s young so he’ll make a recovery
Brroooooo I feel old af, anyway hello, it me I for some ungodly reasons exist uhhhh yeah things have changed. I’m editing more and making one shot books for different fandoms annddf ya
Hiya guys, my apologies for not updating in a while, I’ve been struggling with my mental and physical health recently and everything hasn’t been going as well. So I’ve kinda been shutting a lot of people out cause my trust issues and anxiety have begun to get the better of me cause I feel scared of either loosing them or getting hurt by them and I feel that they don’t particularly like me but tolerate me. But that’s not the point I’m just venting now, the point is that I might update later I don’t know.
Honestly, I'm in the same situation as you. I feel like everything is crashing down on me, and it's my fault. A friend of mine is angry with me, and a girl in school is spreading rumors about me. I think we both just need someone to talk to. I'm sorry I snapped at you a week ago, and I'm here if you wanna talk.
With everlasting love,
Hey guys just letting you all know that I WILL BE CONTINUING "Surviving Together" the Clouis Fanfic, I had some complications from my phone and prevented me from writing the story and I accidentally deleted it, but do not worry I do have the drafts save onto my computer so keep a look out for that! Bye-bye now! -Samantha