
Hey, guys, Allyson here, I'm writing a new story, The Story of Us, and I want to start another. I don't think that I'll finish the other two soon, I've just lost the inspiration for them. I want your guys' input though on which story to write. #1
          	Finn Hudson- Journalist
          	Rachel Berry-Big business owner
          	Finn is told to do a story on Rachel that exposes her for the fraud she is, only one thing, she can’t know that that’s why he walked into her life. The more he writes the more she falls in love with him, and the more he starts to regret taking the job. 
          	Or #2
          	Rachel Berry- School’s bad girl rebel
          	Finn Hudson- New kid
          	Rachel Berry has a record to keep, but if Finn Hudson doesn’t comply how far is she willing to go to keep her reputation?
          	Please comment on which story you think I should write.


Hey, guys, Allyson here, I'm writing a new story, The Story of Us, and I want to start another. I don't think that I'll finish the other two soon, I've just lost the inspiration for them. I want your guys' input though on which story to write. #1
          Finn Hudson- Journalist
          Rachel Berry-Big business owner
          Finn is told to do a story on Rachel that exposes her for the fraud she is, only one thing, she can’t know that that’s why he walked into her life. The more he writes the more she falls in love with him, and the more he starts to regret taking the job. 
          Or #2
          Rachel Berry- School’s bad girl rebel
          Finn Hudson- New kid
          Rachel Berry has a record to keep, but if Finn Hudson doesn’t comply how far is she willing to go to keep her reputation?
          Please comment on which story you think I should write.