
New chapter for The Doctor Heals!!


It's been over a year but I'm still trying to write that TVD fanfiction... Let me know if you want me to post the first chapter :-) (Although updates wouldn't be frequent)


@Finding_Sara Haha yeah I know what you mean ^_^ Oh! Happy *albeit early lol* New Year btw! ^_^!!


@QueenMimi96 Aw thanks! And I’ve been trying :-) coming back to wattpad always makes me feel better haha 


@Finding_Sara Can't wait for that, girl! Hope you've been doing well :)


In case anyone is wondering, I’m currently writing a The Vampire Diaries fanfiction, but I’m not going to post it until it’s finished so it’s gonna be a few months :)


@Finding_Sara They are, aren't they?! :D I love their banter and brotherly-ness tbh lol Haha :) Well I honestly love the choice! It's so different cause a lot f people usually pick Damon ones to write but I love how you chose Steffy ;)


@QueenMimi96 Yaaaasss!! But honestly the brothers are amazing. A while ago I debated on writing one with Damon, but I just had to go with Stefan :) 


@Finding_Sara Haha yeah I know what you mean. The only thing I dislike about fanfictions (as in writing them, not reading them lol) is that I lost interest half-way through. Like I'm excited for the first few chapters I write and then....writer's block lol. Which is why I've mostly switched to writing just one shots lol :)  Hahaha awww thanks!! Yeah I'm kind of excited to get back to that one. I've always loved TVD but I never wrote anything really for it before, except for maybe one or two one shots. But Damon's always been my fave so it's gonna be fun to write him ;)
            Oh really?! Hahahaha that's awesome! Girl, I'll write for one brother and you for the other brother lol ;) Hahaha no but seriously, I love how we're both writing Salvatore-centric stories ;)