
Re-posting a message originally posted to iwp so apologies to those seeing this twice
          	Here in Australia a few charities use Mother's Day to raise awareness of Breast and other cancers and raise funds for cancer research. So as Love your Sister says "Let's talk about boobs" and keep up the self examinations for changes in your breasts or for even more fun ask a lover or partner to help
          	And Happy Mother's Day to all those celebrating today


Heaven got another angel today. I just learned I lost my dear friend Fiona to cancer. My prayers are for her family and especially her young son Angus. She was always so supportive of my scribbles and I will cherish her review of Red Velvet and Anemone forever. I am grateful for the time we were given.


          I see you voting for Wolf Cop by Rose Conspiracy. I just realised it’s not The Rose but someone else ...


@charbo61 Thanks Charbo - I’ve got votes to split 3 ways so at the moment I’m voting for Way of the Wolf & then I’m switching to Wolf Cop and also another book 
            I’m getting so confused- a few books I Love in the running 


Fi? It’s Ok . Mon said it’s okay. The votes still goes to Rose @Rose_Conspiracy 


Hey Fiona,
          Thank you so much for taking the time out to read The Wolves of Echo Mountains. I really appreciate it and hope you enjoy the rest of the story. If you have any feedback, I am all ears. 
          Have  great day,
          Warm Regards