Thanks loads for adding my book to your reading list! It means the world to me.
I hope you like it!
Don't be a ghost reader.
Please do comment or vote because I would love any kind of feedback!
Thanks again
Yours sincerely,
Schoolgirlsoudra. :);)
Like quoted about people judging when they dont know the other persons piont of view and stuff about loving someone who doesnt love you back or i write stories
@lalaworld101 sorry I didnt answer before but I saw this now so I thought I should reply still. But I still have no idea why I didnt see it before so sorry! But anyways I think my best talent is writing the other ones i can do but i dont think Im good at it
@lolgrl347 I found ur book u didn't reply so I tried to find it so I will try to read it but most of the time when I add a book it stays there for a long time till it gets read so I will try to read it!