Hi! I just wanted to let more people know about this site I recently found and see if they would be interested in joining it! kpopsource.com/ is a K-pop site which has almost no toxic or bad people and basically EVERYONE is super friendly and very helpful, it's also a very fun site, you get to earn Trophy Points and KS Coins (both are the sites currency) and you can buy kpop badges from a VERYYYYY long list of them, you can earn Kpop photocards by doing simple daily quests and even trade them with others or donate. You can easily make friends, you get to use lots of fun gifs and have coloured or gradient text and do many more fun things, its a place where you'll never be bored and there will forever be stuff to do!!! If you choose to sign up, it will ask for a referrers link, just enter this link in it: kpopsource.com/?referrer=vaQ6b