
@jjpandabear12 everything that shows people like us that we aren't the only ones helps. I know what it's like to have the person that you love be with someone else and I know it hurts so much to look at him. I don't think I put it in my story but he used to date one of my best friends. I'm a collector of quotes I have more than 1000 pictures on my phone and more than half of them are quotes. I hope you stay strong and don't cut. If you ever need anyone to talk to just talk to me. If I don't help find some quotes I hope that they work for you like they work for me.


@jjpandabear12 everything that shows people like us that we aren't the only ones helps. I know what it's like to have the person that you love be with someone else and I know it hurts so much to look at him. I don't think I put it in my story but he used to date one of my best friends. I'm a collector of quotes I have more than 1000 pictures on my phone and more than half of them are quotes. I hope you stay strong and don't cut. If you ever need anyone to talk to just talk to me. If I don't help find some quotes I hope that they work for you like they work for me.


Dear cheesypie101.
          I have read your book. "My pain" and I have to tell you.
          My best friend and I, have the EXACT same problem.
          My best friend, has it a little bit more than me though, but any ways.
          I haven't got to the point of cutting myself......yet.
          But I know what it feels like.
          Because I see Him everyday, and each time, I die a little more inside.
          I saw a quote, recently that all of us can relay to.
          " dear pillow, I'm sorry for all the tears."
          It's the most accurate quote I've seen. But I've seen your quotes, and I have decided that they're more accurate.
          My best friend currently tried to cut herself, but I talked her out of it.
          She has cried for I don't know how many days, because she lost him.
          Not like "dead" lost him. It's Like a never see him again, never have any chances with him, lost.
          I hope that makes since.
           Buuutttt annnyyywwwaayyyss,
          I hate seeing him period. I love seeing him but the thing is, who knew that this one person can cause so much pain?
          He likes to smile at me and make jokes and look at me to see if I'm watching.
          But hate it, because I know he's with someone else. 
           I want to tell him one day, that I hate that I love him.
          Same with my best friend. 
          This post probably got off topic, but just know,
          :] but this probably doesn't help. Hopefully it does though.