Hello again, this time I'd once again like to talk about this idea that I have, after sitting on it and thinking for a while about how one would turn this idea into a story, I have found out that it is simply impossible, It's far too segmented and disconnected to ever turn into anything worth reading.
HOWEVER, I believe it may just need some slight modifications to work as a decent story, so I am currently attempting a rough draft of the main plot and experimenting with shuffling sections around.
Keep in mind that this is nothing concrete, and more than likely, it will end up like all of my other forgotten projects that I've long since abandoned since I guess I simply don't have the right temperment for writing stories.
Also, should I post some of my earlier attempts at writing?, I have Adventures in the Mushroom Kingdom (the original I wrote back when I was 12 or something (I'm 17 now!), the 2019 re-write, and the 2021/2022 attempted revival. Interestingly, I've always wanted to make a story out of one of my favorite series, Mario.
Ultimately, this is just an update that this idea might to probably won't happen, and I might go through and just delete this account. I'll ask one last thing before I go, should I attempt this kind of story again? Anyway...
That is all. Bye for now. (Paragraphs got chopped HARD cause character limits exist! Guess I talk too much...)