What's up? I'm actually able to get to a computer to post this! I am almost done with the first chapter of my Son of Batman FanFic. Hopefully, I will have it up soon, but I know for sure that I will post it before the end of the month. I know I have been slow on updates, but 10th grade is hard. I wish I was back in Kindergarten sometimes. At least when I was there, I wouldn't get into any trouble if I slept. Actually, I was the only one there that would never sleep, so when I fell asleep occasionally, the teachers had a party (I think). Anyway, thanks for not spamming me for updates (SAVANNA!) HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!!!!!! May the force be with you, peeps! Goodbye to Muggles and Wizards alike! May the odds be ever in your favor! All that cool fandom stuff!
Bye-Bye Fellow Beauties!