Hi! Saw your profile on one of DaBestAuthorEver's books, the science of shipping one, and I followed you. Because 1, you're a FanWing, and I follow every FanWing in existence. Well, the ones I find, anyway. 2, why not? 3, you deserve more followers, judging off the comment you wrote.
          Anyway, is it okay if I ask you these questions? Answer if you want to.
          1. Winterwatcher or Moonbli? (Can't say both, and I won't judge you, because I'm not that type of person.)
          2. Gender?
          Have a good day/evening/night, and take care of yourself!!!


@Fireblaster968 That's awesome! WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT, ME, I FOUND AN ENDANGERED SPECIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for existing. XD


@IlovetoreadNoor Well, I support Moonbli and im one of those rare fanwings thats a boy