Okay guys... First of all....hello again after so long.... I shall start with an apology. I am so sorry for my massive gap of inactivity and leaving everything. I did not mean to abandon this account at all. Things have been wild. School dragged me down and overwhelmed me and the reappearance of an eating disorder and some other stuff made me really depressed, I had severe writers block and then lost my password and wasn't able to get back. I feel so so bad about being inactive for so dang long. This is me saying that I am going to breathe the life back into this account, get my inspiration back and start updating again! Again I am so sorry, I hope to goodness you may all forgive me and that we can continue here as before. I really am so sorry. I love you all my fireflies and I hope you are all safe ♡ - Firefly_Carnelian P.S. I have a new really good drawing app so if I make covers for anything else from now on they should look a bit better.

@Firefly_Carnelian Yasss! I'm glad you are coming back! I'm sure everyone is eager to see you keep your stories going! As Eternal said, Your health is a lot more important than a Wattpad account! Put yourself first, you deserve it!

@Firefly_Carnelian OMG FAM IT'S OKAYYYYY Dww, you had your reasons, and every right to be inactive. And no one should be mad about it. Your health is a lot more important than a Wattpad account and some updates or activity!! <33