
Hello there, MakenzieKitchen! I just happened to stumble upon your page and was wondering if you'd check out my new story, "His Hidden Heart"? It only has a couple of chapters so far, I hope you give it a chance. It'd really mean a lot. If this is annoying, then I apologize, and feel free to ignore me. Thank you so much.
          - Nettie Xx 


Dude, i relate to everything you said on a SPIRITUAL level
          EXCEPT I am not a red neck...
          But tomboy check. ( but who needs stereotypes ) 
          I love animals 
           I admit it, I am aggressive 
          I love food too
          Ps. I relate to the broken part the most... tbh
          PSS I love all your quotes
          PPSS I don't know why i'm writing this


@RACHELDARE100 Thank you! I'm glad to know there is someone else out there that understands.