
I have a surprise coming for y'all ;)


Hey People! 
          I have an idea for Alone (the discontinued story) because I got a comment on the rant chapter that said I should continue and I re read the two chapters and I feel that since I'm just a beginner I shouldn't be hard on myself or you guys. So, I think I'm going to continue it. Because honestly I was just being a (enter word here) and I kind of like the plot so....yeah. 
          Really, guys, there's 35 of you and just three comments keep me going. If you don't like or if you do like what I'm writing it really helps, if you say something about it. Give constructive criticism too. Also, suggestions could help me a lot. I don't bite, I promise. :) [rawr]
          Oh, one last thing. Would you guys like medium, twice a week updates, or 4 page long four week updates? I don't know how to update or when and I just don't get movtiation. I try to update but I'm lazy I'm not even going to give an excuse. I'm just lazy. Plus you've seen me update. But anyways, talk to me. Communicate with moi. Haha....
          Luv All of You Cray Cray Cookies ;),


Hello Everyone!!
          I just realized that when I first made this account it was on December 26th, 2012. I have already have been on  Wattpad for a year. Haha, I know I should've done this last month, but I totally didn't know when I started this account and I just checked so...yeah. 
          Thank you all so much. Most of you probably only follow me because of we are like mini internet friends or maybe you follow me because of my stories. I really don't mind why you follow me as long as you read this. You guys are my obsession and even though I don't update everyday I am always thinking of you. So thank you so much for 34 followers. I just had to get this out there.
          Okay so announcements are here! 
          I have started a collab account with my cousin and our user is @shinyroses17. If you want you can follow us and read our story called A Double Crazy Life. We have the first chapter up and later this week is my chapter. :) 
          Also! I AM working on Dragon Warriors but I have no inspiration yet, so it's taking awhile. But know that I am trying. I'm a verrrryyyy lazy person. Haha. 


I forgive you do you forgive me?


OK Friends For Ever


I will always forgive you. :) Let be friends, yeah?