
I have republished ‘Blind Alpha’ and am currently writing the nest chapter. It was written in 2017 and here I am continuing it in 2019. Anyways, I hope you like the book and check it out! 


I don't know how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME♡ thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting on 500+ PSYCHOLOGY FACTS♡ your support means a lot and I really appreciate it. I hope you enjoyed reading it. :)


Aww~ You’re too nice. I loved your book of facts a lot, even though I just started yesterday. I really love it and have a weird kind of attachment to it actually. I love psychology and maths but I had to choose one of them as an elective and I chose maths. I miss psychology and when I saw your book I was jumping with joy. Thank you so much for writing your book. Maybe with your book I’ll be at peace. Thank you so much!
            Thank you for the comment as well, it really made my day because this page is as dead as dead rat. Thank you ~ ♥️♥️♥️


I shall be removing Blind Alpha in a week or so. I will not be able to post much this year (not that I was able to last year) because this is one of the most important years of my life with respect to studies. But, I will be back with another book,  I have an idea and I feel it is a good one. I shall probably meet all you guys next year in April or May with Blind Alpha and a new book. I love all of you and I feel horrible that I disappointed all those people who expected me to update the story. I shall see you almost a year later. Farewell thee! 


I just opened my Wattpad account and the first thing that I saw was my book. And the number of views it had. It was about 113 views. I still can't believe it. I wrote the book just as a starter. And I thought the idea was unique. Before that I never knew how that part of Wattpad worked. And now my book has over one hundred views. I can't express how happy I'm feeling in words. And yes I'm that happy. 
          Whoa. This turned out to be way longer and serious than I thought it to be. Anyways, I should be updating the book soon but don't trust me on that. Okay, Imma just leave you alone now. 
          Bye guys!! Write to you later/ See you later/ Laters. (/Whatever you want it to be)
          P. S. Vixx released their new song!!!! And album!!! Oh my gawd I'm so happy!! And I love TWICE's new song as well. So all you ONCEs and STARLIGHTs, I'm with you.