
I really wish I could write again. My mind has gone, and every time I try to write it just turns out.. Horribly. I've lost it all, haha


Is This My Life? is now over.. Week 8 is the final chapter. originally I didn't plan to end it here, but honestly ,I still like it. I feel like the way it's ended is more real, which is what I'd wanted to do all along. Make something real, something people could read and understand, even if the situation hadn't happened to them specifically... I wanted people to feel what Harley felt, and while I'm not certain if I'd achieved all I'd wanted to do, I'm proud enough with what I have.
          My chapters were never actually proofread before I published them... I'd skim through for the squiggly red line which meant a misspelled word, but that's it.. So, that explains why there's probably some serious grammar errors, and stupid mistakes... I'm going through to edit it. It may take a few days, but I'll get there.
          But, anyway... Yes. This is my first completed book ever. I've started many and abandoned them along the way because I'd just lost the muse, but... I stuck with this one. And I'm pretty freaking proud of myself for it. I honestly love the characters, and really... I couldn't imagine anything better as my first story. Even though the subject matter is quite controversial and rather depressing, I still love it. 
          Thank you to anyone and everyone who's ever read, commented, and /or voted on Is This My Life? It's been 11 months since my first published chapter, and I can't even explain how grateful I am to all the people who've said kind things about it. I know I'm not the greatest writer out there, but I do try, and I hope that shows in my work. 
          I'd never expected anything I wrote to get 1K reads worth of attention, that... Was honestly amazing. I can never thank you all enough for putting up with my random writer's block delays(sometimes lasting months at a time...) and still coming back to see what's happened to with characters.
          Again. I appreciate all of you, and I hope you all have wonderful days, and weeks, and years, and lives! <3


@Kanelegend thank you for reading, I'm glad you liked it. :)


@Firetail606 Its a good book. Shame it has to end


So... Week 7~ Sunday is officially written on Is This My Life?
          ......It honestly took a much different turn than I'd originally intended for this story, but... I've got a plan. So, yeah... Don't hate me too much for what you'll read (if you read it) but there it is. 
          And as I often say... I'm so sorry for the long wait!


Alright, so... I've suddenly got a fudge ton of ideas for ITML, OS, and a few other stories I've yet to post anything about... So as long as I'm able, there will be several more updates coming soon! x3
          ((I am SO sorry for the wait..... Life.....))


Oh my gosh...
          Anyone who's ever read Is This My Life...
          Thank you... ;-;
          I came home from work to 1K reads, 31 votes, and 23 comments!!!
          I honestly never thought I would see the day my numbers got that high... Thank you all so much, you've got no idea how much this means to me! ;-;
          I hope you all like the story, and I'll do my best to get the next chapter up ASAP!
          Thank you so much to everyone giving me support to continue. Thank you for commenting and voting; letting me know that people are actually reading and are interested in my book.
          I just hope I can continue it up to any expectations! (/-\)
          But, yeah... Just, thank you all so much... I can't say it enough!
          I love you all for supporting my writing, even by reading just a bit... I really appreciate it, more than you could imagine!
          Just... Ugh...
          I'm so overwhelmed by the turn out of ITML... I just started writing it during a bout of depression 7 months ago.. I didn't have any real plan for it, but instead it was just a way to pass the time.
          Now I've got ideas about what I want to do, I'm motivated to keep going for those of you who are actually reading, and I've got big plans for what I want to do in the future with this one.
          So, again. Thank you to every single one of you who've read so much as just a single page of Is This My Life? 
          Thank you, and I love you all! Have a great day!!!! :D