So, I want to get back into writing again. I have some news.
1. I'm going to write a new science fiction book called Last Era. It'll take place in the future, where earth is an overgrown jungle filled with genetically modified plants and animals.
2. the ark genesis book may or may not be cancelled. I originally started writing it for fun on an app called skinseed (not a writing app, please note) and one of my friends there liked it so i'm pretty much writing for him now. the book itself is a hot mess (epic misadventures book one all over again, i really don't learn) and i've been discovering that the lore of the actual game is not what i thought it was, and that i'm just big dummy stupid.
3. epic misadventures (what exists so far) is probably my favorite piece of writing (even though the first book is utter trash), but the fact that there is a character named Sans who is mentioned in the title gives me anxiety. I know i made him when i was 11, but still i don't want people to see my series when it's published and think 'omg sand undertail'. besides, sans is my least favorite undertale character, and my hate is leaking onto the character in the book (who i did base off undertale sans) so if you've read this far, i'm going to ask you to give me a new name for him, one that fits his character and personality. I'd like it to be rather short, and i'd like a non human name. when i get a suggestion i really like, i'll give you credit and revise the whole series. The covers will get makeovers too because my drawing skills have improved a ton.
Expect to see me on a lot more as well.