
does y’all’s back/neck hurt so much that u just want to crack it and deal with the death later?


you guys ever wonder why people look like people, like why don’t I look like that!  
          I’m talking abt how ppl can be hot like how
          teach me.


u asked the wrong person 


u ever have that urge to cry so hard but have nothing to cry over bc nothing is sad, like it won’t come out bc same❤️


@FishMilk honestly yea. It’s like, you want to cry about something but you don’t know what it is. You just can’t bring yourself to form the tears because you’re so sad. I guess that’s how I can explain it.


this message may be offensive
you don’t know real pain until u write a whole paragraph into this update status bull shit and you accidentally click off and it deletes everything
          like Wattpad you made me cry so many damn times bc of this update status fish turd
          like my heart breaks and I just scream into my pillow and pretend everything is okay, like okie dokie guess that won’t be shared with my followers
          and it was abt ken dolls and how it made me gay when I was like 8.. honestly I’m just gonna write the whole thing tmr again, I swear to god if this deletes too, I will abuse my phone


okay but I just KNOW y’all cute behind that screen, with ur cute ass eyes 
          LIKE I just KNOW! if u don’t think ur cute. Don’t worry cus I think you’re cute
          if ur personality is good, I just KNOWWWW you’re cute! like that’s it


@fgirlinc you’re very pretty ma’am


@JoletteBenite THAT IS SO FÜCKING CUTE, double chins are adorable