
My account is messing up and no replies are showing 


Hello! I sent you the friend request, let me know if you received it, it should say 'isadraws' for my user. 


It didn’t show up but I looked up your username and sent a request as well. I haven’t add discord friends in a good while. Just in case mine should be sallmon6056 according to what it says


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I have been stuck at home, I can’t go see my friend, I’m on crutches, showering is a night mare. I can’t even get my own food or refill my water bottle unless I use the damn scooter which isn’t fun on carpet. I have to ask my mother unless she’s not home, who has been making me feel like shit about having to ask. Like I don’t ask for much, I try to do things for myself but I can’t do shit. I go to college on July 5th and I’d like to have a normal sleep schedule before I have to wake up at 6:30 every day and deal with two online classes that I’m taking from June 1-20. AND two Biology I classes and one Intro to logic class in person that goes from July 5-August like 5. June was supposed to be the month where I can get outside and get some sun but I can’t and I feel so horrible about it 


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So this is purely a vent cuz I’m fucking tired of stuff. On June 1st I had surgery on my foot to fix my ankle. For all my appointments the doctors told me I was gonna be a boot straight away. They called my mom asking if I needed crutches and a walking boot so you know I assumed that I would just have to put weight off it for a bit. I get into the hospital bed and stuff and THEN they tell me I’m gonna be in a cast. Literally before I got the IV or went into surgery. I have not gotten a great night’s sleep, I’m going to bed at 3am when I am trying to sleep at 10pm and waking up at 10:30 am. Not only is it hard to do just about anything but now the hardened gauze is causing pain and the cast itself is irritating my suture. I have been so over this and I want my damn life back.


So I have autism and ADD. Asperger’s is the kind I have and today has been so off. Idk if I’ve having a burnout from one or both of them. 


            Yeah. Spaced out during Takewondo and had a breakdown in the bathroom. Lovely.


Yeeee, I have PDD-NOS, it’s close to that. Having both sounds like an oof. :(


Is anybody else’s app just not working? I’m having to use the website cuz of it and idk if it’s just me or not


@RheaEville  it was working this morning but when I got home from Taekwondo it wasn’t


@BiroAceDisaster3590  yeah they said a update should be up soon