PLOT TWIST: Fitz and Simmons made up in the last episode last night and that's why she gave him the sandwich and they're tricking everybody!! OMG that episode was insane at the end. When Jemma told Bobbi she could open it my mom was all like "She's so easily swayed I don't like her anymore!" and I was all like no it's Jemma there has to be something going on, the writers wouldn't change her that much! And then Fitz left and I started crying a bit and then the whole sandwich plan thingy happened and I started balling bc Fitzsimmons is still alive! And my mom was like why are u crying? She doesn't get the whole Fitzsimmons is my otp thing plus I'm not really that showy of it in real life (i don't really tell everyone about it) plus no one I know in real life watches it :( But ok if ur still reading, thanks for reading! But back to my original point/unrealistic plot twist, what if Fitzsimmons are like secretly dating!! :/ XD