
When u finally get ur account back after so long.Hiya !! Hopefully, now I can start writing poetry again .... life sorta got in the way of that but we shall see . Fingers crossed, it will be less teenage angsty .


@Fizzthesasmistress13 ya im not a strange weirdo don't worry I bet u can guess who I am by my profile name


@MCRTRASH2019 your the good kind of weird


@MCRTRASH2019  what man I was kidding who the hell are u anyway


Hey guys soon do u think I should do a 5SOS story or should I stick to poetry ?? .And I just wanted to apologise for not being on lately cause my summer exams are coming up and I'm really nervouse cause there the first I have had in high school so yeah.
          Just know that love is shown through expression and actions and can change  someone's day from bad to good .I love u all and I hope u fullfill ( is that even a word ) all your dreams .
          Fizz Pop Sizzle Bang 


Life is a two way street .Its just which direction you head in that decides your fate .Never believe that theres a destiny for you , you make your own destiny .
          Love,Live Laugh Fizzzzzzzzzzzzz
          Sorry I haven't been on , i actually got  life outside wattpad which surprised me soo I just want to say that I love you all and i would love to chat with all of you .;)