It has been finished, it has been done
Flamers_United has just begun.

(Flames - Flames are the opposite of helpful feedback. It means sending an email to an author to tell them you disliked the story you just read.)

We don't just flame stories at random. We only flame those that we can't really stand anymore for it is too crappy that it has scarred our lives forever.


~fanfics that DON'T get the FACTS RIGHT

~has MARY-SUEs

(Mary Sue is a negative term used in fanfiction and literary criticism to describe an original character that is often overly idealized. IN SHORT: too perfect, beautiful, popular, powerful, talented, and good at everything.)

~MESSES UP the anime plot

~fanfic has NO SENSE

~If the characters are OOC (out of character)

And that's just some of the reasons. If your fanfics contain any of these, better change and edit it or else we're after you. Don't worry, we would do it in the most polite way we can manage. (no sarcasm here)


*These are not our real names or usernames (I apologize if there's someone with the same username. WE JUST MADE IT FOR THIS ACCOUNT. Don't bother anyone else) of course... we're not that stupid to reveal our identities.



+ Meikyuu Cross +

Cain Demetri


"Do it right or else watch your backs." -the-killer-behind-you

"I'll be your worst nightmare."-DestroyerOfHope

"If you receive a flame from me, you deserve it. Oh, and honey, you can't get rid of us easily."-+ Meikyuu Cross +

"I'm not the one who gives flames(I prefer constructive criticism), but when you hit the line... Your gonna get it."-Cain Demetri

  • JoinedJanuary 7, 2014