First off, I'm not exactly your average girl. Then again, would an average girl be on Wattpad? Perhaps, but not writing the stories that I write. I am highly unreliable for writing, so expect a while before I post my first story, I want to get a good amount written up before I start posting it. My apologies for my laziness. 

If you like scary stories, or disturbing, or just want to try reading something new, check out my stories. If not, I'll warn you about mine. Thanks to my personality disorder I enjoy writing, but some of it is also quite dark and disturbing, which is what I write here. If you're into that sort of thing, then you might like my stories.

Along with my personality disorder I can't remember what it's called and won't bother to search up, I suffer from aquaphobia, the fear of water, which inconveniences me on a daily basis, and depression caused by my personality disorder. Something I find really awesome is that I am synesthetic, where two or more senses are connected together. For me, it is my hearing and my vision. When I hear music, I see it as colours and shapes that are quite difficult for me to explain. If you'd like to ask me about any of this, feel free to. I'll respond to any messages I get and maybe make some online friends.

I'm rambling on about myself. But I suppose that's what I'm supposed to do here. I'm a fangirl for plenty of things, specifically Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, and Doctor Who. I enjoy plenty of video games, reading and writing, I'm good in school, I'm not sure what else I'm supposed to talk about here. I suppose I'm done this. Feel free to message me about anything, I'll be sure to respond as soon as I get it.
  • JoinedJuly 29, 2014
