
Ok...so let's get one thing straight...I'm weird. I say this because first of all, Misty Gwen Westmond is not me. She is in fact an OC that I made a profile for out of pure boredom. So for the real me, go to @FlamingMeow or, for my beat friend (not another OC, promise) go to @MeowCore. Thx!


Alright well sadly I had to close my @FlamingMeow account due to outside problems...there goes my story progress  so...yea...hurray to wasted stories *uninthusastic sarcasm* anyways cya ^~^


Ok...so let's get one thing straight...I'm weird. I say this because first of all, Misty Gwen Westmond is not me. She is in fact an OC that I made a profile for out of pure boredom. So for the real me, go to @FlamingMeow or, for my beat friend (not another OC, promise) go to @MeowCore. Thx!


Alright well sadly I had to close my @FlamingMeow account due to outside problems...there goes my story progress  so...yea...hurray to wasted stories *uninthusastic sarcasm* anyways cya ^~^