I cannot believe I'd ever sink this low to talk to myself but here I am.
A while back I wrote some Sleeping Beauty books and due to personal reasons I've unpublished them, and now I've put them back on. But the one titled "Chapter 2" had some horrible glitches that downright scared me, and due to this reason in itself, I'm scared to put proof screenshots here:
I. only. wrote. 29. chapters. 26. published. 3. drafts.
It showed me at one point, I had 50 drafts, and 51 chapters published. It still does to this day, the new one.
And when I published it again, some chapters got unpublished and were drafts again as soon as I hit the publish button! The hell?!!! Same result all over again.
I HAD TO DELETE A PERFECTLY GOOD BOOK WHICH HAD OVER 600 READS. Because goddamn glitches. And I put a new one (the same) after I copypasted the content.
The book was read, voted and commented on by @Normaniforever4 and by @Lumna10 and 2-3 more at the first ones. But mostly the two of them. I've told Normaniforever4 to read it again and react to restore it but she only said: "Ok no worries" and then was unresponsive (I understand, I can't force her to comment all over again if she doesn't want to) So I went to my alt account to vote. and. to. comment. On my own book....
..... And I never did this before (What???? I have to restore it, otherwise I have terrible anxiety about it). What happened?
Not to mention it's annoying how these people vote like after 3 days or so after the new chapter was published. If it's on their own accord when they read it, I apologize and take back what I said. But I fear my updates don't show up anymore even when I tag people. I was stressed out and thought to leave the app again because of it. I even searched it online and I didn't find this glitch. Does no one else but me have this issue?