Some days you don't want to get out of bed,
You want to stay curled up under the covers
and not have to deal with the world.
Some days you can hardly deal with your own head,
You want your thoughts to stop swirling and your hands to stop shaking.
Some days you can't have a shower or wash your hair or make your bed, or even leave it.
Some days you can't even go to school because everything is too much and too sore and too... too. Too everything.
Some days are too everything.
Some days are too numb.
Some days feel like everyday, like this feeling will always be there and you'll stay broken forever.
But some days aren't everyday. They won't last. Tomorrow will come and you can make it better than today. Please, please, please remember that some days AREN'T everydays. Things will get better.
Also yes I am a nerd therefore I must reference Gollum, "leave now, and never come back" Gollum said that to his the part of his mind that was corrupted by the ring. Say that to your bad thoughts, even if you think it isn't gonna work.