
Hello my friends. Ich habe eine Frage. Soll ich meinen Adventskalende behalten? Dadaurch das meine Bestie sie auch gelöscht hat bin ich mir unsicher.


Ok mach ich


@ FlauschiFlox  behalten ✨️


          I'm not sure how many of you have heard about it but;
          Wattpad is introducing a new policy and I'm summarizing it here for you.
          For anyone who wants to read it again for themselves I'll link it again
          No sexual acts are allowed between people (characters in stories/fanfictions) under 18. Holding hands or kissing is allowed, and even lemon AS LONG AS it's not described (which will be very damaging to many authors).
          But because Wattpad is so kind *sarcastic* they're giving us until April 15th to take down or change anything in our stories and/or oneshots that violates these new guidelines.
          If something isn't changed/taken down before April 15th when these guidelines come into effect, they will be "hidden". So you won't find them when you search for them, and (as far as I understand) they won't be shown on the profile either, aka, they'll be blocked.
          But now the following questions appear:
          Why can you point out that there is adult content in your stories if it is blocked anyway?
          Why is nothing being done about all these pedo profiles?
          Do they seriously think that Wattpad will become "safer"?
          Copy this and send it to other writers, that make sexual content!!
          - I have these informations from @paw_paw_paw and copied it with permission!!