I think one of the most enjoyable things about being a writer is unintentionally relating to a character you've written. In my case, I've been working on 'Deception' with Jade as my main protagonist and also world-building for 'No Happy Endings' with a male protagonist and Rani as his love interest.
Jade is stubborn and fierce, but also soft and caring. In her walk with Christ, she's still learning how to trust Him and what that looks like for her as opposed to the walk of others around her i.e. Amos and the Queen. She learns to come to terms with the fact that the walk isn't easy, but that there's so much joy and love that comes out of those trials.
Rani is a backsliding Christian, and even though I don't relate in that sense, the feelings she goes through of getting impatient with God's timing are very relatable at this season in my life.
Both women have storylines and character development arcs that coexist with my current season of life. It's so amazing how God will work with me through writing my stories and at the strangest moment cause me to write something and then sit back and say "This is for you too."