@FletcherPuns6 congratulations on completing the book!! I'm so excited on your behalf, that is a huge achievement!
I can tell you a bit about my editing process, but also keep in mind I haven't finished a book in three years, so take everything I say with a grain of salt. Still, I'll do my best to make this worth your time! XD
(Another disclaimer: I haven't had much sleep so if you find anything I've written here to be confusing forgive me for that. Just let me know and I'll find a better way to explain it!)
First, I go through the comments on each chapter. I'd specifically look for any constructive criticism a reader has given, but also keep an eye out for any specific parts that people liked (so you know what worked the best so you don't lose it in the next draft). Copy them into a document (organize the comments by chapter) and make sure to give yourself enough context so you remember what the comment was about. Then, as you edit each chapter, you have all the comments you need in one place to refer to.
It can be a little overwhelming if you look at everything you need/want to change in a chapter all at once. It took me forever to realize that you don't have to fix everything in the second draft. So if you have a lot of feedback on a specific chapter, choose two to three of the biggest issues to prioritize for this time around instead of trying to wrangle everything at once.
Last of all, when you start your second draft, instead of just going back through what you've already written, create a separate document to type it all up using your first draft as a reference. It may take a while but I find it's really helpful to physically type out everything again because a) you wrote it before so it'll be much easier the second time around and b) even if you rewrite entire paragraphs word-for-word, the writing process may spark new ideas or new ways to write a scene to make it even better than before.
I hope this helps! Really proud of you <3 :D