
Hi everyone - 
          	Chapter 35 is finally up and you'll be glad to hear I've progressed quite a bit in the story so updates will come regularly over the next few weeks!:)
          	In other news, I've got the majority of Anastasia editing down. I'm now debating whether I'll bother reposting the entire edited version as I'm not sure there's be any demand for it. Let me know if you'd like to read it and I'll consider it further!
          	Finally - hope any of you heading back to school/university/work etc are settled in and not too disappointed the summer's over (because I am and it's horrible). Anyway, enjoy Mount Asteria:)
          	Fleur de Lys


Hi everyone - 
          Chapter 35 is finally up and you'll be glad to hear I've progressed quite a bit in the story so updates will come regularly over the next few weeks!:)
          In other news, I've got the majority of Anastasia editing down. I'm now debating whether I'll bother reposting the entire edited version as I'm not sure there's be any demand for it. Let me know if you'd like to read it and I'll consider it further!
          Finally - hope any of you heading back to school/university/work etc are settled in and not too disappointed the summer's over (because I am and it's horrible). Anyway, enjoy Mount Asteria:)
          Fleur de Lys


Hey Everyone!
          Huge thanks to @Moderately_ordinary for nominating Anastasia for Best Historical Fiction in the Fiction Awards 2017.
          If you guys enjoyed Anastasia please consider nominating it as the more nominations it receives, the more likely it is to do well in the competition!
          You can nominate it at this link: https://www.wattpad.com/407146068-the-fiction-awards-2017-nominations-open/page/2 and comment - "Anastasia @Fleurdelys21" next to "Best Historical Fiction".
          Take a look at the other categories too and see if there are any other books you'd like to nominate!
          Thanks everyone:) More Mount Asteria coming soon...


@Fleurdelys21 Glad to hear that:)


@Moderately_ordinary Thank you so much, it's so nice to hear that:) don't worry - I'm still writing and don't plan on stopping anytime soon! 


@Fleurdelys21 I'd say thank YOU for writing and publishing it in Wattpad<3 I really truly love it and I hope you'll keep writing. Happy reading as well. Hope you have a great day:)


In the run up to Christmas, it's easy to lose track of everything outside of what immediately affects us and those around us. There are presents to be bought, dinners to plan, plays and pantos to attend (or, if you're like me, book at the last minute!) all while keeping up with our usual workload.
          Please don't forget there are others out there. Others who won't be getting stressed about Christmas because they won't be doing anything or seeing anyone, or some who will be panicked because they don't have enough money to buy what they need for the festivities. Some are sitting out on the streets in the cold. Some are sitting on overcrowded boats in the middle of the ocean. Some are sitting in their homes, frozen and too afraid to go out because they will be met with violence. Some are sitting in make-shift huts in make-shift camps waiting to be told where to go next. Every day people face isolation, persecution, starvation or embark on treacherous journeys in the hope of a better life.
          It's not a homelessness crisis. It's not a refugee crisis. Those people are not the crisis. The crisis is in political institutions failing to begin real and meaningful action to help these people.
          And there are so many people. They need our help.  You know who they are. So please help. Whether you give food, clothes, money or time - or a voice, the power of a voice -  you're helping in some way.
          We're writers here on Wattpad so let's use our words to do something special this Christmas.
          Consider it?


@luckyplum sorry I just realised I actually tagged myself!


@Fleurdelys21 thanks so much:) sometimes I feel like I really need to do something!!


This is fantastic. Well said! 


Hi everyone!
          Chapter Sixteen of Mount Asteria has been published, which means I met my three chapters goal for this week!:)
          I'd be very grateful if you could read the author's note at the end - it contains some important information!
          Good news for ANASTASIA readers too!!
          The edited version is well on its way to being completed - if anyone would like to make themselves available to me as someone I could bounce ideas off as I finish off the last few edits, please reply to the message or send me a PM!
          A very belated Happy Hallowe'en as we start into the Christmas season (EEEPPPP! I'm so excited!!) 
          Keep reading and writing!
          Fleur de Lys