
Hello everybody, I am again sorry for the very long delay concerning 'Saved By Severus' however, I just went back and realised that I don't like the way I wrote the book. HOWEVER I am not stopping the story, just that version of it. I will be re-writing the story under the name Saving a Snape. THERE WILL BE PLOT CHANGES.


Hello everybody, I am again sorry for the very long delay concerning 'Saved By Severus' however, I just went back and realised that I don't like the way I wrote the book. HOWEVER I am not stopping the story, just that version of it. I will be re-writing the story under the name Saving a Snape. THERE WILL BE PLOT CHANGES.


Chapter eight of saved by severus has just been published. Fleurypower029 is extremely sorry for the long delay, but she was unable to publish for the past long time. If you would like to know why, I suggest actually reading the author's note at the beginning of the chapter
          ~kitkat42 (published with aproval from fleurypower029, and I assure you the actual chapter is all FLeurypower's own writing)