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Other account got hacked in that data breach, ima just stay logged in here. Made me realise how heartbroken I would have been if I were to lose this one, so I’ll take that as a sign to stay. I know my follower list is a ghost town so I’m talking to myself but I want to post an update anyway. I’ll put the ping on just incase anyone’s still around and wants to say hi. I hardly touch Wattpad these days, but I’ll be logged in, and who knows maybe I’ll start using this account for something or other if I can find the motivation to write again. I do miss writing as much as I did when I was 14. I’m not as hard on myself as I used to be when I left, my stories were weird as fuck but they weren’t too poorly written lol and it helped me a lot to cope during the hardest years of my life. I regret deleting my old works all the time, as embarrassing as they were. But yeah anyway that’s where I’m at. Wallowing in my nostalgia. Cheers to cringe

@TilskKarishma Hi! I understand how you feel about feeling no one would read it if you wrote for other fandoms/interests, I feel the same. But I think you should go for it and do what you think is fun :^) thank you for replying to me, it’s nice that someone else from the old times is still around

@FliesLayTheirEggs Aww my dear one, I am like you. I kinda miss the old times and I miss to write. Sadly it is hard for me to write in English, but I really want to continue (at least I added a chapter to an older story of mine a month ago, or so) Also, I want to write with other fandom stuff. Which no one would read anyway. ^^; And yeah all here feels like ghost town. So as a space ghost myself, I want to say Hi! Much love ♥