
The results are in, and we have our winner for February. It was actually a surprise this time round! The bonus chapter will go to... Floods of Fear!
          	Patreon February Release Schedule (There are a few days delay for everyone else)
          	4th of February - The Collision Chronicles - Chapter Four (Patreon Exclusive)
          	7th of February - No Vacancy - Chapter Nineteen
          	11th of February - Home is Where the Heart is - Chapter Twenty-Two
          	14th of February - Hunters of Sian. Book 3 - Chapter Eleven
          	18th of February - Legacy - Chapter Twenty-Three
          	25th of February - To Ashes - Chapter Ten
          	28th of February - Floods of Fear - Chapter Five


The results are in, and we have our winner for February. It was actually a surprise this time round! The bonus chapter will go to... Floods of Fear!
          Patreon February Release Schedule (There are a few days delay for everyone else)
          4th of February - The Collision Chronicles - Chapter Four (Patreon Exclusive)
          7th of February - No Vacancy - Chapter Nineteen
          11th of February - Home is Where the Heart is - Chapter Twenty-Two
          14th of February - Hunters of Sian. Book 3 - Chapter Eleven
          18th of February - Legacy - Chapter Twenty-Three
          25th of February - To Ashes - Chapter Ten
          28th of February - Floods of Fear - Chapter Five


And here we are at the New Year! I hope everyone got a chance to rest and relax these holidays. As we enter 2025, we have our first winner for the year. Our bonus chapter goes to... Hunters of Sian. Book 3!
          Patreon January Release Schedule (There are a few days delay for everyone else)
          24th of December - 10th of January - Writing Break
          14th of January - The Collision Chronicles- Chapter Three (Patreon Exclusive)
          17th of January - Floods of Fear - Chapter Four
          21st of January - Fleeing the Baba Yaga - Chapter Twelve
          28th of January - Sound Bound - Chapter Fourteen
          31st of January - Hunters of Sian. Book 3 - Chapter Eleven


It has been... a rough year. I've had a lot of ups and downs. Moving house, books thefts, being made redundant at work, finding a new job, more thefts, finishing several more books and starting a YouTube channel!
          I am so incredibly thankful to all of you. Thank you so much for all of your support and comments. You guys are the reason it was easy to keep going. You deserve more than just a few words so please know I am insanely grateful to all of you. And to my long-suffering beta readers, you guys rock hard.
          With that out of the way, here is the last month of the year, ALL chapters this month were chosen by Patreons!
          Patreon December Release Schedule
           3rd of December - The Collision Chronicles (Patreon Members Exclusive) - Chapter Two
          6th of December - Hunters of Sian. Book 3 - Chapter Ten
          10th of December - Sun Bound - Chapter Thirteen
          13th of December - Home is Where the Heart is - Chapter Twenty-One
          17th of December - Homesick. Book 2 - Chapter Twenty-Three
          24th of December - 10th of January - Writing Break


And the winner is.... Home is Where the Heart is! Whoop whoop! Hunters has lost its place at the top... by like two votes. 
          Patreon November Release Schedule (There will be a few days delay for everyone else)
          1st of November - The Collision Chronicles (Patreon Exclusive) - Chapter One
          5th of November - Floods of Fear - Chapter Three
          8th of November - Hunters of Sian. Book 3 - Chapter Nine
          12th of November - Sun Bound - Chapter Twelve 
          15th of November - Fleeing the Baba Yaga - Chapter Eleven
          19th of November - Legacy - Chapter Twenty-Two
          26th of November - No Vacancies - Chapter Eighteen
          29th of November - Home is Where the Heart is - Chapter Twenty


Happy Halloween...ish!
          We have our result for the bonus chapter for our spooky month! The winner is... Hunters of Sian. Book 3! Honestly, I think this might be the longest streak we've ever had of a bonus chapter story.
          Patreon October Release Schedule (There will be a few days delay for everyone else)
          1st of October - Tooth and Claw (Patreon Exclusive) - Chapter Twenty-Two
          4th of October - Home is Where the Heart is - Chapter Nineteen
          8th of October - Talon and Flame - Chapter Sixteen
          11th of October - Floods of Fear - Chapter Two 
          15th of October - To Ashes - Chapter Nine
          18th of October - Homesick. Book 2 - Chapter Twenty-Two
          25th of October - The Fox, the Hound and the Virus - Chapter Twenty-Seven
          29th of October - Hunters of Sian. Book 3 - Chapter Eight


The results have been tallied. There were a lot of options to choose from this month, but the winner of the September vote is...
          Hunters of Sian. Book 3!
          Patreon September Release Schedule (There will be a one-week delay for everyone else)
          3rd of September - The Ones Who Hunt (Patreon Exclusive) - Chapter Four
          6th of September - Hunters of Sian. Book 3 - Chapter Six
          10th of September - Fleeing the Baba Yaga - Chapter Ten
          13th of September - Talon and Flame - Chapter Sixteen
          17th of September - Sun Bound - Chapter Eleven
          24th of September - Floods of Fear - Chapter One
          27th of September - Hunters of Sian. Book 3 - Chapter Seven


Hi everyone
          I have some very depressing news. I’ve uncovered three other websites that have stolen and reuploaded Dragon Bound and Magic By The Sea. They use my username, but they are not me nor do they have my permission to upload my work. Two out of the three websites don’t even have working contact pages/emails. I have no way to contact them other than to leave comments on the stories themselves. They are carbon copies of each other and likely run by the same overseas company. 
          The likelihood is I will never get my stories off these scam websites. I’m looking into submitting DMCA notices, but these cost money and will take time. So. I now have to face what this means for me. I have been writing for nearly ten years and have only had five theft problems this year. I have decided it is no longer safe to leave my completed work up on any website other than my Patreon and own website. 
          The likelihood is I will never be able to publish these stolen books on Amazon because their manuscripts are now compromised.
          Some of you may have noticed that several of my books have now been removed, Helter Skelter, The Tea Shop, Magic by the Sea and Pack Mentality. I don’t want to take my stories down, but I’m so beaten down, miserable and exhausted. I can’t keep doing this.
          I will keep the continuing stories up, but I can’t leave completed books up anymore (aside from the fanfics). I am very sorry for anyone who has genuinely loved my stories. I will be leaving the first few chapters and a link to where the full story can be found. 
          If you want to support me, you can still find me on Patreon for a $1 a month: https://www.patreon.com/FlightInSnow
          Sorry for the essay and a massive thank you to everyone who has been supporting me.


Another vote has been cast and our winner for August is... Hunters of Sian. Book 3!
          Patreon August Release Schedule  (There will be a few days delay for everyone else)
          2nd of August - Tooth and Claw (Patreon Exclusive) - Chapter Twenty-One  
          6th of August - Hunters of Sian. Book 3 - Chapter Four  
          9th of August - Homesick. Book 2 - Chapter Twenty-One  
          13th of August - The Fox, the Hound and the Virus - Chapter Twenty-Six (Complete)  
          16th of August - Home is Where the Heart is - Chapter Eighteen  
          23rd of August - Legacy - Chapter Twenty-One  
          27th of August - To Ashes - Chapter Eight  
          30th of August - Hunters of Sian. Book 3 - Chapter Five


Hi, my only story just reached 100K reads in 6 months. If you follow me, you can advertise your story on my board and I won't delete it. If you also leave a vote or a random comment on every part, I will add your story to my public reading list.


It was very close call, but we have our answer. And the July winner is... Fleeing the Baba Yaga!
          Patreon July Release Schedule (There will be a week delay for all other platforms)
          2nd of July - The Ones Who Hunt (Patreon Exclusive) - Chapter Three
          5th of July - Hunters of Sian. Book 3 - Chapter Three
          9th of July - Fleeing and Baba Yaga - Chapter Eight
          12th of July - Talon and Flame - Chapter Fifteen
          16th of July - Home is Where the Heart is - Chapter Seventeen
          19th of July - Sun Bound - Chapter Nine
          26th of July - Homesick. Book Two - Chapter Twenty
          30th of July - Fleeing and Baba Yaga - Chapter Nine