
Hands down Citizen, they’ve had such a great year with As You Please. Have you heard Flowerchild? Turnover is also kinda good, buuuut not as good as Citizen. Really? Halsey?? Let it be public knowledge that I think she’s dollar store kflay. Not that kflay is good. It’s laughable how hard she wants the ‘alternative’ label, she would be so much better respected if she didn’t try so hard. 


Hands down Citizen, they’ve had such a great year with As You Please. Have you heard Flowerchild? Turnover is also kinda good, buuuut not as good as Citizen. Really? Halsey?? Let it be public knowledge that I think she’s dollar store kflay. Not that kflay is good. It’s laughable how hard she wants the ‘alternative’ label, she would be so much better respected if she didn’t try so hard. 


Your bio is perf lmao
          And MCR buddies??!?!  *shock rock bump* 


@Switchblade-Smiles Haha why tyvm. Ug my WP's bitchn again


@Caramel_crush10 your bio is perf too lol


@Switchblade-Smiles Hehe I love the bio too, wonder who wrote it c:


May I just say that your bio is literally the most amazing thing that I have ever read in my entire life? My Mom now thinks that i'm crazy because I just started snorting and laughing like a horse in the middle of the living room. Lol God bless


@FlimsyGlass Oh stahp embarassing meh :0


@Kat_Bates @Kat_Bates lol, really? My best friend insisted on writing it for me. What can I say? She's hilarious.