
Hello everyone who decides to read this. I hated how my story was and decided to rewrite again. You are not crazy, there was a story. I have an editor now and I will be hopefully rewriting the entire first world. When it is done, I shall post and also have the naughty bits for kindle. There will be a lot more tension, mainly of the sexy kind. Thank you and I am sorry.


Hello everyone who decides to read this. I hated how my story was and decided to rewrite again. You are not crazy, there was a story. I have an editor now and I will be hopefully rewriting the entire first world. When it is done, I shall post and also have the naughty bits for kindle. There will be a lot more tension, mainly of the sexy kind. Thank you and I am sorry.


Hello author, I've just recently gotten back at reading wattpad stories and I've been looking forward to your updates of the story  'Into the System. Can I not die please' but found out that it has only 3 chapters now, apparently your doing a new version and it was GREAT! Good work Dear Author!, but could I ask, where can read the old version of it? I'm simply itching to reread it's contents  


Hey author did you post the new version of this story to another platform and if so will it be posted here? 


@FlippedOutHatter which platform did you post it on? And is the first arc completed?


Only here so far. I have not had time to upload unfortunately. But I only plan to upload here.


Hello Author, I am so sorry but do you have the old version of into the system? I miss the old version. The new version is good though. I just miss the old version and wanted to read it again. I also can't wait for the next chapter. 


A lot of people ask this , unfortunately no I don’t have the old version anymore.


Huloo ^^ i remmeber reading your book when it had 3 arcs (im not sure how many years back, maybe 1-3 or even 4 ??? Idk) and I remember there being a patreon link. I seriously, final got a part-time like 1 year ago but ended up losing this book  I was wondering if you restarted ? Or is there still the patreon version thats up? 


Hello! Yeah it was about 3, maybe 4 years ago! The book I’m posting now is the rewrite of that book. I do not have Patreon or anything set up. I’m rewriting everything then when I’m done with a world, I’m going to sell the book on kindle. That’s the plan at least!


Is there anyway for me to buy the original into the system from you? I’ll read your remake, but I also really enjoyed the original story 


I meant forward*** not firearms lol 


@FlippedOutHatter Aw! Ok, still looking firearms to your rewrite 


Sorry no, I kinda lost the OG story except for the bare plot points. >~<


omg omg omg i’m so excited you’re back!!


lol, well you deserve it! hope you’ve been well these past few years and i’m excited to see what you’ve cooked up in that time :D


Hello! Thank you! I’m getting such a warm welcome lol