O k a y.

I got inspired by my friend's profile, so here ya go-

I am..
W i l d
N e r d y
F u n n y
H u n g r y
S t u p i d
A W e e b

I like...
Hollywood Undead

I Dislike...
Sandpaper-Tasting Chips
Rude People
'Perfect People'
Stalkers ( Unless I know you in real life I mean- )

Set It Off
Hollywood Undead
Thousand Below
Three Day's Grace

mELaniE MarTiNeZ

About Me:
Well, I guess I'm pretty weird. I am loud- I appear social around just about anyone when I honestly want to go sleep in a box. Most of the time I'm annoying my friends and telling stupid jokes or making stupid comments to just about everything.
My specialty is writing and drawing. I have up to 10-11 friends, even though I spend time with only two of them.
I come off as stupid- But I am really good at reading people! Intuitive, I guess.

Age: 13
Dream Job: Forsenic Physcologist
  • JoinedNovember 8, 2019


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_-< E S C A P E >-_ by FlippingGaYWeEB
Gemini was the type of girl you expected to be snobby. Not just snobby, but proud of her way of life and just...