Hey I was coming into here in case you weren't busy to ask if u could please check out my story Moonlight I just dropped it not too long ago and I think you would really enjoy it ♥️♥️
@pushypompom I'm glad you read and enjoyed it to an extent but the amount of detail that I put into my book is at a mid or minimal of that amount for a reason most people (like myself) like books that get to the point instead of being in a characters head for a long time and the same goes with scenery too much detail can be too boring so yes I have my details about my characters head/place to a certain degree so that you get the point but it's not dragged I'm not writing those kind of deep long books but thanks for trying to help☺️♥️
@Royal-T-Dreams ok so I've just finished it and it was really good. Tbh I'm not much of a twilight fan but I actually enjoyed that book. The only suggestion I could give you it to add more detail like get more in depth with the characters and there emotions. And the scenery in which it takes place. But other than that I thought it was fantastic xx