So Guns and Roses has been being released quite quickly recently and I hope you are enjoying it!
Me and my friend Vixy TGM have decided on a project where I am going to write a book, she is going to write a book and then the last book we will do together. I am really looking forward to this project! It will be a new experience as I have never wrote with someone else and it should hopefully be a learning curve for both of us. So, Vixy's book will be called Checkmate which is about her superhero, Aqua. My book is going to be called Sending Out Flares about my superhero, The Flare. Our final book, Many Souls Of A Soldier, shall be planned by both of us and I shall be writing the final edition. We will both be publishing each story so you can follow on my account or Vixy's. Thank you so much for reading and don't forgot to go and follow my friend Vixy!